
Friday, February 11, 2011


It's been a while since I posted last. I've been thinking a lot about all kinds of stuff. Mostly about what I want to do with my life. I turned 22 on the 8th of February and I still have no clue what I want to do. I've just read Born to Run by Christopher McDougall, I've also just seen the movie 127 Hours starring James Franco (and plan on reading the book). Both of these depict the outdoors in a light I've yet to look at it. They really got me thinking that maybe I could find something I love doing outside. Like zoology or photographer or something. I've always loved the outdoors, animals, and nature. It would be amazing to work for like National Geographic.

My biggest problem with school is that I learn too fast and I get bored and end up not doing the class work. I may know the material, but if I sleep through class and never hand in homework I'll still get poor marks. I need to find a subject that can keep my attention and I think that nature can. It has enough science to feed me the answers I seek about the world coupled with a raw beauty that is inspiring no matter how many times you see it. I can see the sun rise over a mountain 10,000 times and each time it will be different to me.

The thing with a career choice like this is that I'm not too sure about job security. Unemployment scares the crap out of me. I don't want to be stuck in the military my whole life. I'm okay with fighting for my country and possibly dieing. I'm okay with being uprooted last second to go some place else. And I love the prospect of traveling the world on the government's check. But I feel like this war is pointless. And traveling the world is boiled down to traveling to Afghanistan or Iran and Iraq. Fighting ghosts in the desert for oil and what ever else the big man has on his agenda doesn't seem like the kind of fight I want to be apart of.

Worse comes to worst I can honestly say I don't mind living off the land. In all seriousness, Caballo Blanco did it for 10 years in Chihuahua, Mexico. He loved every day of it. I can imagine setting up a comfortable living structure a few miles away from a small town. Gathering my own food and firewood, just being free of everything. Running every day for as much as I want, hiking, swimming, fishing. I could go into town to work small odd jobs for cash for food and equipment. It wouldn't be that bad. I honestly think I would love it. That is a last resort because I'd imagine it would be lonely, and I don't want to be alone.

I've found a new love for trail running. It's so much fun! I feel like Tarzan running around on a mountainside or in the woods. It's freeing and invigorating. I just got a pair of Vibram FiveFingers KSO.
 They look like monkey feet :D. Every time I run with them it feels like I'm getting a full body massage and a crazy leg workout at the same time.

Careers I Was Thinking About:
Zoologist- Something in that field, it would be awesome to be the next Steve Irwin!
Park Ranger- Some place like Yellowstone National Park. That would be a sweet job.
Photographer- I'd like to be an ultra-marathoner/mountain climber/scuba diver and take all these crazy awesome photos. Work for National Geographic or Time or somebody like that.
Professional Athlete- If there was a job that paid you for rock/mountain climbing, running, and diving I want to find it!
Explorer- Yup, nuff said.

So that's about it, glad to have gotten that off my chest haha.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back, Tarzan! Haven't heard from you in a while. Love the shoes! ^_^
