
Thursday, June 2, 2011


Hello all I am back to blog. I don't really know why I left... I just sorta fell out of the loop. Anyways, I feel like some updating is in order.

First lets start with the job thing. ITS CLOSING! That may not be news to some >_>. But Yes, Walden Books is closing. Something to do with rent, budgets, chapter 11s, and ninjas! Soon I will be unemployed... again... Also! Not two days ago I slipped while taking out boxes and screwed up my back. But more on that later.

I m in a relationship now. I will refer to her as girlfriend, just because. Girlfriend and I have been dating for about 3 months. Our first date was on Valentine’s Day, and prior to that I had known her for a few years. We have worked together at AMC way back when.

In the Army world, I will be promoted to E-3 Private First-class (PFC) soon. I passed my PT test and all I am waiting on is the pinning. So yay for that.

Lastly, and probably most importantly, I have started a work out regime! Insanity, it is a 60 day cardio intense work out. I am working out with my friend Andy. We are about a month in and I can already see the etchings of the abs long hidden in adipose! We found the regular work out to be tough, but not quite enough. On top of a 6 day a week hour long cardio work out, we toss in 15 minutes of Ab Ripper X from the P90X videos, every other day. And when we feel like it we will do another hour of resistance work with P90X. But I'm not done, every other day (the days we don't do abs), we go running! Anywhere from 2-6 miles and working our way up.

You may ask, "Wow Guy, why kill yourself with working out so much?" Well, the answer is BECAUSE! Our body is hands down the most important thing IN OUR LIFE. No Arguing! No body = Dead... Duh. So with a little logic you can figure that with a better body comes a much better life. Hands down my life has never been better since I've started working out. Not only that but I actually want to be able to use my body, if in combat or recreation. This November I will be attending the Tough Mudder. It's a 12 mile long obstacle course essentially. Created my British Special Forces it is a promised challenge. One that I accept with... well with glee honestly.

Back to my back... Anyways, like I said I fell and hurt myself. I slipped on what seemed to be soup in the back room of Walden Books while carrying out magazine boxes to trash. I went to the hospital got some fun x-rays of my junk and was told to move as little as possible until otherwise instructed. I got a referral to an Orthopedic Surgeon, who I should contact if the pain in persistent. The ER doctor said it is probably a sprain but it could end up being something worse. As of now, the pain is dulling and my flexibility is returning. I predict a full recovery soon.

As I said before I want to start blogging again. My last blog Go Ask Guy was a feeble first attempt t something fun. I want to answer questions, you know be a bloggers version of Mythbusters meets an advice column. I need a new tag line though, Go Ask Guy doesn't feel right. I feel like it needs to be a little more anonymous. Anyone have any ideas?

I think that’s all for now. I should be a little more consistent with this thing huh? >_>
So anyone wondering, I haven't died, I'm not in hibernation, and yeah; I'll keep blogging.

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