
Monday, June 6, 2011

We Don't Need Roads Where We Are Going

So I wanted to write about some inspiring things in my life right now. First and foremost I want to mention the VlogBrothers, Hank and John Green. They have really been an inspiration for me since I started watching their channel. They never ramble about worthless dribble, they talk about things that matter. No matter what it is, they always find a way to make it into something much, much more.

The VlogBrothers are responsible for the Nerdfighter uprising, all over the world. With a mission statement of reduce “world-suck” and increase awesome. Every day nerdfighters everywhere are doing what they can to make the world a better place by doing those two simple things. The VlogBrothers make it seem easy to just get up and do something worthwhile, and that is why they inspire me so much. I will be the first to admit I am a HUGE procrastinator. Also, I have no idea what I could possibly want to do with my life. I do many things well, but I am great at nothing. These two guys make it seem like joining the real world, presenting what I have to offer carving my own path isn’t such a ridiculous prospect. 

My friends, Kylie Butler (her blog)

and Heidi Busch (her blog)

have also been motivating me. In all honesty when I see them doing anything it makes me want to do something to. Seeing them both blog, love it, and really be good at it made me want to put myself out there and try something as well. Both of these lovely ladies inspire me to get off of my butt every day and do something. The past few months I have been really putting forth an effort to just do something, anything. I’ve found things I really enjoy, things that hopefully I can work with. For that I am thankful to have friends like them. 

Any Mako, another friend of mine, has also been an inspiration. I had promised myself that after boot camp I would stay fit. A promise I never kept. For the last month (prior to my injury) he kept me showing up for work out every day. Just by being there to work out with I push myself harder and farther every day. It is due to him that I am down 6 pounds and that I’m in the best shape of my life. I’ve found a real love for working out. Most of all with running, something I’ve never been good at. With a few months until the Tough Mudder  I can say with Andy’s help, I’ll be more than ready.

Carl McKevitt! A Huge inspiration on my life since high school! This man has always inspired me whether he knows it or not. He has done a lot including getting through school, finding a great job, learning another language, and getting married to a wonderful woman. To be frank I have always kind of looked up to him. His success set my benchmark for my expectations in life. To be as lucky, strong willed and profoundly talented as him is a great thing to aspire to.

With a massive amounts of inspiration must come motivation. I find myself saying “I will become something more” with a little more confidence every day due to these people. I just want to say a collective thank you. For, you know, being awesome.

1 comment:

  1. ;_; this is so sweet Guy! I believe in you!! (ps. ahh scary picture of me!)
