
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Supermarket Time

Roadtrip today! Drove like 50 minutes to find an Asian Supermarket. It was pretty freakin' scenic lol. I took lots of pictures... I think that is what this blog is turning into, be just showing pictures >_<
Anyways! Here be dem pictures.

 Busy Ladies
Dinosaur eggs!!!! 

 This fruit thing was awesome looking! Its my favorite picture of the day
 A bunch
 The two misfit dwarves from Snow White: Devious and Sassy
 heheh CUTTLEfish
 Nuff said... I also really like the contrast of her nail polish on the bag.
 Not posing


 Pamphy the Elephant
 Why hello thur

 I wanna high five her

And we end with boobs. I hope you guys like the photos ^_^ Feel free to critique them and PLEASE give me some tips.

Monday, July 11, 2011


So today I went out with my camera and a friend and took some pictures. Here are some of my favorite ^_^.

Andrea, I really like this picture. I'm so happy with my camera haha

 Double Trouble State Park

I love the lighting here

 I was laying on my belly

I like this one better

 The water looked cool
 I almost fell in haha

 from above


 true story

 going at dusk was a good idea

 on my belly in the water

 this doesn't even look like NJ

All in all it was an awesome adventure. I'm learning more and more about my camera and I'm loving it more and more as well. These photos were taken at Double Trouble State Park and a cranberry bog off of Rt. 70. There be snipers in those bogs!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

An Hour Full of Minutes

Today was pretty full. I got to do two missions (military funerals) and take the girlfriend's car to the mechanic all before lunch. Then I went out with Eric, Kylie, and Tom to see Horrible Bosses (for the second time), and it got better the second time around.

I really recommend it. Afterwards Eric and I grabbed some food at the Toms River Diner.

Eric and I parted ways and I went inside to what I thought would be the sweet embrace of sleep... Or so I thought. Not three minutes after I step foot in my room do I get a text from Kylie saying "Wanna go on an adventure?" Why not, what do I have to lose?... Besides sleep. So I zoom to her house with the promise of action, adventure, food, friends, and some camera know how. We then decide to grab a bite to eat with Andrea. Shenanigans ensue...

 Ohai (Kylie took this Her Blog)
Kylie as well
 Sploded face
this one too i think...
All in all it was a nice day. Time to take le nap.