
Monday, January 9, 2012

New Year New Thoughts

Happy belated New Years everyone! Everyone has been making resolutions and I decided not to make any. In my opinion a New Years resolution is something that most people tend not to do. Not to say that people always fail when it comes to resolutions, just that I always do…. 

So apart from me messing every time I write the date out, nothing has changed for me. I still plan on exorcising a lot and trying to write more often. But those are goals that I’ve had for a while. Regardless, I hope this year is much better than last year. 

A little while ago I wrote a blog post titled Realistic Reassessments where I talked about how I need to get my life on track and what not. This month I was told that I would be sent away for school for the National Guard. So on the 16th of Feb, it’s back to Ft. Sill OK for me. I’m going to be doing a 12 week course to pick up the Radar Technician MOS (Military Occupational Specialty). I was told that with this MOS I could become an air traffic controller at an airport with no problem. I need to look a little more into it, but if that is true then after 12 weeks I can finally set myself up with a career. Thus getting my life on track =]. 

I’m actually really excited to be entering the military lifestyle again. I loved getting up at 5 to do PT (physical training). Plus I can really use a break from NJ for a while. This here have been less than happy for me. I plan on changing that though! After training, if I can indeed get a really good job at an airport, I plan on moving far far away. Possibly some place warm like AZ or CA. I want to spend a few years working and saving my money then apply for a work visa and take myself over to the UK. It has always been my dream really, and I just hope I’m making the correct choices in making that dream a reality. 

As for love, I think I’ll be taking a break. If someone special comes along then I can’t stress how happy that will make me. But for now, I’m done actively pursuing romance. I think now is a really important time in my life to focus on me. I need to get myself squared away before I’m really ready to start anything long term anyways. 

So that is what’s going on with me. I NEED to write more. Writing for me is like exorcise. It just makes me happy. I may not be great at it, but it is an outlet and very important to me. Sometimes it’s just hard to find the motivation, or even the time. But I will make time, maybe I can get my friends to nudge me along a little =P.

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