
Friday, January 21, 2011

Of Mice and Men

Tonight I was invited out by a friend to go to a bar. Of course to have fun but also with the intention of introducing me to a lady friend. So let me paint this picture for you. I am confident in myself, the way I look and my ability to meet and talk with people. But tonight, oh man. I meet an absolutely beautiful girl which right off the bat leaves me speechless and I end up looking dumb, this makes me timid. I immediately realize that reading body language does me no good if I don't know what to say. Needless to say it was a disaster. She wasn't interested in the least. Not only that, but when I meet my friends other friends I can't hear anything that is being said, I have kinda bad hearing (due to shooting, and firing cannons...) So all I can hear are bits and pieces of inside jokes that I so long to understand hahah. For the majority of the time I was there I was quiet and and standing awkwardly. So Mr. Steinbeck, I am a mouse.

I can't help but to think had this been is a slightly quieter setting, maybe a house party, I would have been able to connect on a personal level with everyone and actually join in on a conversation. But not every hand you're dealt will be a favorable one. In retrospect had I met this girl anywhere I would have been dumb struck haha. Although she too didn't seem to be the extrovert. She sat very defensively, averted he eyes when I made contact and all in all seemed very shy herself.

All in all I had a pretty good night. Awkwardness and all it was fun. On a different note I got pulled over too! I was going 16 over the speed limit on the bridge. When the cop pulled me over I guess he saw my military ID and we started talking about the Army. We talked for like 15 minutes before he told me to drive safer and let me go.

Eventful as this night has been, I'm kinda glad I'm home.

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