
Friday, October 28, 2011

Spirited Away

Have you ever been about to fall asleep and you can suddenly feel yourself actually starting to fall? Obviously we are laying stationary and not actually falling. But when this happens to me it’s a very transcendental feeling, and after it happens I actually wake up more and I feel so refreshed and energized. This is the first time I’ve ever tried to capture the feeling in words.

It starts with the ring of silence

The absence of sound that resonates through my soul

I then feel the sensation of falling

I can feel my heart beat, as a deep Earthen rhythmic beating in my chest

My breathing becomes heavy, my pupils dilate, and I become suddenly aware

 I am flooded with images

The images strobe through my sight

Trees, rivers, bridges, mountains, castles, ruins, nature

And I am taken to a place I’ve not been before

I am taken out of my body and placed in a spot where I can feel everything around me

The pain of the broken houses and the beaten land scream in my gut

The rushing of the water cries through me, and I am but the smallest of additions in the landscape

When I feel the most empty is when I am spirited away, and filled with something that can only be described as feeling;

A deep connection to everything around me and yet nowhere near me

When I am taken away by my mind, my problems cease to be and I take on the troubles of the world

In comparison my problems are so small, and I am reminded of my place in the world

All of the love in me that I have to give, gets taken, and used instead of refused and forgotten

When I go away inside of myself, I can heal

I have a power that is to simply feel

A power that so many have lost in this world

And when I come back, what was empty, is full

And I have a renewed sense of the world, my life, the people in it

In minutes I take on new direction and I resonate with love

I have meaning

I have purpose

I have something to give, and I will give until I am empty again

So that the next time I get spirited away, I can be refilled with feeling

I can hear the weeping of the hills, the panting of the sky, and the groaning of the mountains

I feel all of the hurt in the torn dwellings and the bruised life

And I will again be reminded that I am helpless

But by being so; I can begin to heal

We don’t need rallies and riots for reparations

We just need to care

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Realistic Reassessments

Every now and again I take a day and reassess what’s going on in my life. I don’t have a journal and I figure some sort of outlet is healthy. Then again making it public might not always be a good idea >_>. Eh, what happens, happens. 

From an early age Halloween has always been my favorite holiday; October is my favorite month, and Autumn is my favorite season. As I’ve gotten older the season and more specifically the holiday is losing its magic. Every year it seems that my goals for the season become more distant and thus the positive impact the season has on me dwindles. I attribute this to growing up, and while it recognize the cause of this, it still sucks.

When I was younger, I had time to worry about a costume. The money I made at work could be spent on things, like a good costume or going places like Fright Fest or New Hope, PA. And it was so much easier to make plans to do stuff with your friends, because let’s face it, you saw them every day at school. 

This year I spoiled myself a little too much. I decided to be Link from the Legend of Zelda, I was also planning on going to a party in Philadelphia with an amazing girl and a bunch of friends. Deciding that I didn’t want a rinky dink costume, I bought each piece separately. Doing so accumulated into a quite expensive costume. And while I love the costume, it dawned on me that I’m an adult now and one night of fun, frankly, isn’t worth all I had paid for. I have bills and lots of debt now. What was supposed to be fun has turned into a major stress. 

Honestly the cost of everything would be fine if I had steady work, but that’s the thing, I don’t. I do military funerals with the NJ Honor Guard, and while it is great work and pay, out budget has been cut. So I went from working every single day and making lots of money, to absolutely no work at all. I have no way to pay off the costume I bought or the bills I already had. But that’s what adulthood isn’t it? The realization that not everything can be as easy and care free as it once was is a hard hill to overcome.  
The party that I’d mentioned before; it isn’t happening. To make a long story short, there was drama, some disagreements, and some honesty throw around. So not only have I bought a costume that I can’t afford, but I can’t even attend the party I bought it for. Life huh? 

Fortunately I’ll still be spending the Halloween weekend with some friends, and an amazing girl. So not all is lost to the world of grownups. But after this year, I just don’t know if I’ll celebrate the holiday as I always have. This year has just left me drained. 

I know what I have to do. I’m already applying for civilian jobs, and I’m going to try to re-class my MOS to a radar technician. I’ve been told I can get an extremely nice civilian job by doing that. The training is a year long though, and it isn’t guaranteed that I get into the school or that I’ll even find a job when I get out. But it’s something right? I’ll volunteer for deployment if that’s what it takes to get my life moving. I want to move out so bad, and it kills me that only now I realize that all the money I spent on a costume, I could have put towards a new place. Lesson learned. But I’m tired of sitting around and thinking about what I’m doing wrong. I’m taking action now, and I’m going to make my goals a reality. 

I’ve got to make a lot of changes, and I know I’ll be losing a whole lot of people and stuff along that way. But I can’t stay here forever. The end will justify the means, and I refuse to end up like the majority of my family, who live with their parents still. Not to say that I don’t love and respect them. But I strive to be better, I really want people to be proud of me; I want them to be happy they know me.  I’m an adult now. I need to start acting like it and take charge of my life.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Lonely Night

Lonely night
So black and white
All signs of you
Are out of sight
I wish I may
I wish I might
Share my bed with you tonight

With TV on
And volume low
I sleep the way
I’ve come to know
But cold am I
Without you here
To keep me warm
To bring me cheer

So, long I wait
In dimming light
Cast by TV
On this lonely night
I wish I may
I wish I might
Share my bed with you tonight

Friday, October 21, 2011

Here: A Poem About Running

I used to hate running. Like really hate it… I was slow and I couldn’t run very far. Unfortunately the military requires me to be able to run two miles in under 16 minutes. It doesn’t seem that hard, but for me it was. When I got home from BCT and AIT (Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training) I was still rubbish at running. It wasn’t until about February of 2011; when I started working out with a friend, that I really found my rhythm with running. Andy and I went from struggling with a mile and a half to doing daily seven milers, and 10 miles when we are feeling up to it. I can honestly say that I love running now. I never thought I would, but I’m glad I do.

Here, I can let it all out
Here, I can be free
Here, I can be happy
Here, I can be me
Here is where my heart lives
Beating in my chest
Here, is the me I love
The me I love best
Here, it’s so simple
Just left foot then right
Here, it’s all so complicated
Just give up? Or continue the fight?
Here, I go farther
And faster than my dreams
Here, is where my stress dies
Torn apart at the seams
Here, I run for me
I run for all I’m worth
Here, I feel it deep inside
My connection to the Earth
Here, it’s all so clear
Breathe in, and then, breath out
Here, I know my destination
My heart will beat the route
I don’t run to look good
I run to be me
Here, I was born to run
And here, running sets me free

I don’t write a lot of things that rhyme and it was fun to try something new with my writing. I’ve had a lot of time lately and hopefully I can keep up with my blogging. It’s about time right?!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Whats Goin On Lately

So its been a while since I shared any insight on what is actually going on in my life. And seeing as this is a blog, not about science or advice, but about me, I'm don't see why not. The problem is that most of the time I lead a pretty boring life, or so I think anyways. So coming up with an interesting topic is somewhat of a challenge.
First I'd like to talk about Halloween! It is hands down my favorite holiday, and October is my favorite month. Their is some kind of childhood magic I associate with Autumn and more specifically Halloween and October. I have a lot planned this month. I've got a trip to New Hope PA planned. Several birthdays to celebrate. And of course the parties, with a big Halloween party at the end of the month in Philly.
I'll be attending the party as Link from the Legend of Zelda series. A video game legacy that defines my childhood. Seeing as the character means so much to me I spared no expense in the costume. I had the iconic green tunic hand made for me. I got real leather Bracers and boots (though the Bracers came in black instead of brown -_-). I even ordered a real steel replica of the Master Sword and the Hylian Shield. All I need is a wig and for everything to get to my house in time >_<. My friend, the very lovely Andrea (her tumblr), will be going with me dressed as Princess Zelda. I can't put into words my excitement.
I've also been running a lot with Andy; I have mentioned him in previous posts. We are up to 8-10 miles each run. I never thought I would love running as much as I do. I'm getting in great shape and it is really helping my confidence. The past two months I have reached amazing milestones in fitness that, if I were working out by myself, I probably wouldn't have.
There is a lot more going on right now. But I think ill save it for a later post. That way I have more to talk about! I finally got a blogger application on my phone so I can update on the go too!
So for now, keep your head up and smile. Their is always some good to be seen.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Another poem I wrote. Lately I have been feeling particularly creative. I'm trying to use the time to really make things I can be proud of. Any critiques are very welcome.

Life and love are universal in nature
Completely random and unpredictable
Subatomic particles trek through time and space
Until they meet in an explosion of events
That are your life

Where once was void
A vacuum inside
There is now energy
Exploding in all directions
Though grand in observation,
Completely unattainable
I feel the cosmic radiation
That is your love

You are a twinkle of a star
Painted on the nights sky
Misleading and wonderful you are,
You share a glimpse into a universe unknown to me;
Make me feel near, safe, loved…
When in truth you are bigger
Much bigger then I’ll ever be
And farther
Much farther then I’ll ever go

Every night I look into your twinkling face
Miniscule in comparison,
I give my heart to your night’s sky
So I too may be part of something larger
Much larger then I

Like my heart
The universe constantly expands,
And my expanding heart will always have room for you

For now though,
My eyelids drift south
And I say unto you
Goodnight my expanding universe
My distant sun
My twinkling star
I’ll see you tomorrow night
Painted in perfection as you always are

Monday, October 17, 2011

Free Radicals

I wrote this for someone and decided to publish it. I'm actually pretty proud of it =]. So here it is, a poem titled Free Radicals.

You are my breath
With each gasp, I take in free radicals
That slowly destroy me
But each one is precious

Beyond my biological needs
My breath is refreshing
And cleanses me
It gives me clarity
And patience
It is my breath that calms me
That quells the monster inside
My breath is cherished
Never taken for granted

The very thing that takes toxins into my lungs
Heals me,
Bequeaths me life
It is benevolent in nature
And wicked by necessity
From my first to my last
What gave me life
Sustained it
And took it away
Is you
My love.