
Friday, October 28, 2011

Spirited Away

Have you ever been about to fall asleep and you can suddenly feel yourself actually starting to fall? Obviously we are laying stationary and not actually falling. But when this happens to me it’s a very transcendental feeling, and after it happens I actually wake up more and I feel so refreshed and energized. This is the first time I’ve ever tried to capture the feeling in words.

It starts with the ring of silence

The absence of sound that resonates through my soul

I then feel the sensation of falling

I can feel my heart beat, as a deep Earthen rhythmic beating in my chest

My breathing becomes heavy, my pupils dilate, and I become suddenly aware

 I am flooded with images

The images strobe through my sight

Trees, rivers, bridges, mountains, castles, ruins, nature

And I am taken to a place I’ve not been before

I am taken out of my body and placed in a spot where I can feel everything around me

The pain of the broken houses and the beaten land scream in my gut

The rushing of the water cries through me, and I am but the smallest of additions in the landscape

When I feel the most empty is when I am spirited away, and filled with something that can only be described as feeling;

A deep connection to everything around me and yet nowhere near me

When I am taken away by my mind, my problems cease to be and I take on the troubles of the world

In comparison my problems are so small, and I am reminded of my place in the world

All of the love in me that I have to give, gets taken, and used instead of refused and forgotten

When I go away inside of myself, I can heal

I have a power that is to simply feel

A power that so many have lost in this world

And when I come back, what was empty, is full

And I have a renewed sense of the world, my life, the people in it

In minutes I take on new direction and I resonate with love

I have meaning

I have purpose

I have something to give, and I will give until I am empty again

So that the next time I get spirited away, I can be refilled with feeling

I can hear the weeping of the hills, the panting of the sky, and the groaning of the mountains

I feel all of the hurt in the torn dwellings and the bruised life

And I will again be reminded that I am helpless

But by being so; I can begin to heal

We don’t need rallies and riots for reparations

We just need to care

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