
Friday, October 21, 2011

Here: A Poem About Running

I used to hate running. Like really hate it… I was slow and I couldn’t run very far. Unfortunately the military requires me to be able to run two miles in under 16 minutes. It doesn’t seem that hard, but for me it was. When I got home from BCT and AIT (Basic Combat Training and Advanced Individual Training) I was still rubbish at running. It wasn’t until about February of 2011; when I started working out with a friend, that I really found my rhythm with running. Andy and I went from struggling with a mile and a half to doing daily seven milers, and 10 miles when we are feeling up to it. I can honestly say that I love running now. I never thought I would, but I’m glad I do.

Here, I can let it all out
Here, I can be free
Here, I can be happy
Here, I can be me
Here is where my heart lives
Beating in my chest
Here, is the me I love
The me I love best
Here, it’s so simple
Just left foot then right
Here, it’s all so complicated
Just give up? Or continue the fight?
Here, I go farther
And faster than my dreams
Here, is where my stress dies
Torn apart at the seams
Here, I run for me
I run for all I’m worth
Here, I feel it deep inside
My connection to the Earth
Here, it’s all so clear
Breathe in, and then, breath out
Here, I know my destination
My heart will beat the route
I don’t run to look good
I run to be me
Here, I was born to run
And here, running sets me free

I don’t write a lot of things that rhyme and it was fun to try something new with my writing. I’ve had a lot of time lately and hopefully I can keep up with my blogging. It’s about time right?!

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