
Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Another poem I wrote. Lately I have been feeling particularly creative. I'm trying to use the time to really make things I can be proud of. Any critiques are very welcome.

Life and love are universal in nature
Completely random and unpredictable
Subatomic particles trek through time and space
Until they meet in an explosion of events
That are your life

Where once was void
A vacuum inside
There is now energy
Exploding in all directions
Though grand in observation,
Completely unattainable
I feel the cosmic radiation
That is your love

You are a twinkle of a star
Painted on the nights sky
Misleading and wonderful you are,
You share a glimpse into a universe unknown to me;
Make me feel near, safe, loved…
When in truth you are bigger
Much bigger then I’ll ever be
And farther
Much farther then I’ll ever go

Every night I look into your twinkling face
Miniscule in comparison,
I give my heart to your night’s sky
So I too may be part of something larger
Much larger then I

Like my heart
The universe constantly expands,
And my expanding heart will always have room for you

For now though,
My eyelids drift south
And I say unto you
Goodnight my expanding universe
My distant sun
My twinkling star
I’ll see you tomorrow night
Painted in perfection as you always are

1 comment:

  1. I like the reoccurring themes of science and feeling in these two poems. They are often separate - logic and emotions - but you blend them quite nicely.
